Friday, May 4, 2007

Nursing Informatics- What is it?

Nursing Informatics is a specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science, and information science to manage and communicate data, information, and knowledge in nursing practice, according to the American Nursing Standards committee in 2006.

I recently attended a conference on Nursing Informatics that was held locally, and again I was surprised by the content. This area of nursing is one that is often taken for granted. We have all become capable of using the IT tools that have been provided to us to complete our everyday tasks, but seldom do we think about those who were involved in the construction and implementation of these large systems.

An example of one such system is the PHR or the Patient Health Record. Our organization is at different levels of adaptation with regards to a PHR than others. For example, one of our smaller satellite sites is fully automated with the patient care record, meaning that medical staff document on an 'online' chart. One nursing unit within our larger facility is as well. There are plans in the future to get the rest of the organization "on board" with this. But there are many obstacles to overcome first. They are; acceptance on behalf of the users, education, and network support.

Nursing Informatics is nonetheless prevalent in our practice. CNIA is a national organization that is dedicated to the advancement and education of informatics as it relates to nursing. The future of doing business in the health care sector is included in the move to an IT environment. The challenge is to encourage people to embrace IT, accept IT, understand IT, and above all use IT.

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